Saturday, December 10, 2016

What's the deal with power?

     Welcome to your life. There's no turning back. Even while we sleep we will find you acting on your best behavior.Turn your back on mother nature. Everybody wants to rule the world. Lyrics made famous by Tears for Fears. There is no denying that there is a certain appeal about power. But when does it go too far?
     With the desire for power comes breaches of ethics we have learned from a young age. Manners were taught, virtues were instilled, and values were passed down. However, there has been a recent influx of ways to "become more powerful". Whether it is financially powerful (getting rich quick), physically powerful (steroids), or socially powerful (social status), we have become a society that has become obsessed with being powerful. 
     Everyone wants to be rich. There are numerous classes out there devoted on getting rich. Comedians joke about it. Even your nightly news tells you how to win Powerball. But why is this so important? 
     Money is normally associated with power. Wealthy people are powerful. We look to Bill Gates, Oprah, Ellen, and all of these other high-profile wealthy people who seemingly radiate a powerful presence. We all want to be rich. Why would we want to be poor? The rich seem to have it easy. I know currently I would certainly like to be rich. But is being rich really easier? Managing money constantly sounds like a chore. Wondering if those around you actually care about you or your money also sounds far too taxing. But those are only two downsides compared to the numerous upsides.
     Being physically powerful has developed into its own culture. Gym culture is now a group of people who desire to be physically powerful. Let me preface this by saying there is nothing wrong with being healthy. I am not trying to demonize those who work out and become physically powerful for health benefits. But most of these people who desire this sort of power are not doing it for health benefits. It is for the pictures that they take to prove they are powerful. It is used to intimidate and is not meant for oneself. In fact many times the easy way will be taken out of it. Steroids cause water to fill up the muscles giving them the appearance of being bigger physically than the average person.
     This sort of physical power is not healthy. There are no benefits to steroids. Many times these people will over exert themselves, or workout with incorrect form to look cooler. This damages muscle. 
     Finally having a high social status is important. We can't be seen with those who are below us in status. We always have to be seen with our equals. We are always aspiring to be hire. It starts to get cutthroat along the way though. Being powerful and having a high social status usually go hand in hand. Those who have power, rule the world. 
     I don't mean to sound jaded about these people. It's more inquisitive. What has happened that made us as a society focus so much on power. Power over others, power over animals, power over anything. While everything is good in moderation, we have passed that point. And worst of all, all of this power has lead to control issues.
     Control issues can happen in personal relationships or even in world affairs. Relationships become toxic when one party has a desire to take control of the relationship. The power imbalance causes one party to rise and the other to fall. No longer are there equals, but someone "rules" over the other. So much for being happy. You can't be happy when you're in a relationship in which someone has more power. Romantically, it isn't healthy. But that is a different issue.
     Even in world affairs there has always been a power issue. From colonialization, to the nuclear arms race, to the Cuban Missile Crisis, to our current time, world power has been on everyones mind. We are currently fighting with Russia in a not so subtle war about who will be the world super power. We fear China because they have the potential to upset the balance of power. Power isn't just a problem on the individual level.
     But it is our fault. We always teach each other to want more power. We tell kids to aspire to be a leader and a manager. But we tell them that not because we hope that they will make a change in the world, but because we don't want to see someone else have power over them. Jobs pay better when more power is involved. Modern capitalism revolves around the acquisition of power. 
     So until we can figure out what our obsession with power is, we won't be able to fix the problems it has caused us.


     Depression is seen as a "phase" or a "stage" to some people. To others it is seen as a side effect of a medication. But for many it is something they have to live with all of their life. Depression is one of those issues where people say, "I am so sorry" then continue on with their life. It is hard for those without depression to understand those with it. The reason it is so hard is because it doesn't make any rational sense. Who would choose to be upset and negative all the time? It's not caused by a logical response. It can be caused by a number of things. May it be a chemical imbalance in the brain, or a side effect of a medication you are taking. Depression is no laughing matter.
     So what do you do to help those around you who are depressed? Well, who knows? Each case of depression is different. Some people are able to go on depression medication (which, ironically, can sometimes have a side effect of depression).  Other people aren't on medication. It is a hard world to navigate.
     This world is made even harder to navigate by the stigma that surrounds depression. Depression is a serious medical issue. Up to 15% of those who are clinically depressed commit suicide.  Over 15 million adults (18 and older) are depressed. If the issue is this big, then why is it not made a top issue?
     I think the reason is that it is not a big issue is because it is hard to talk about. Men aren't supposed to have feelings let alone talk about them. Depression brings vulnerabilities to men that they can't escape from. Women don't have it much better either. Their depression gets shrugged off as them being "overly emotional" or "it's their time of the month".
    We bring this problem upon ourselves because many of us are afraid of reflecting inwards. If you think confronting your inner demons is hard, imagine adding a chemical imbalance in your brain on top of that. Its terrifying for most people. But it is also hard to talk about because no one wants to admit they have depression. Those who are depressed will put on a happy face and walk around without anyone else ever knowing. How could someone who smiles be depressed?
     There is a lack of knowledge about depression. It is getting better though. High schools are starting to teach about the dangers of depression and ways to "prevent" it. There is no surefire way to "prevent" depression, only ways to manage it.
     Depression is a serious issue for all of those involved. Family, friends, loved ones, all of them are effected when someone in their life is diagnosed. To those without depression, I sympathize with you as well. It is a hard ordeal watching them on the outside. To watch someone who was once so full of life now look like an empty husk of their former self is heartbreaking. But what can you do? I guess my only advice would be to be there for them. They don't want you to go over the top. You don't need to by expensive gifts or read help blogs. They don't want you to list all of the ways the homeopathic remedy you found could cure depression in monks in Tibet. Rather, just be there for them. Listen to them, talk to them, include them in your experiences.
     It is hard for everyone involved. I get that. It is easier to do nothing. It is factually 100 times easier to do nothing rather than to do something. That much is true. But it is so much less rewarding. So my next message is for those without depression who may know someone who is struggling.
     You mean more to those around than you may know. And although you may feel like you have to "fix" their situation, know that this is not true. They don't want to be fixed. They may be depressed, but they aren't broken. It isn't your job to fix them. It is your job to be there for them. It doesn't have to be big, and it doesn't have to be a grandiose act. But it has to be meaningful. Create a lasting relationship with those around you. And although there is not going to be instant gratification, know that they will appreciate you for everything you do.

Animal facts

     Our planet is home to many mysterious creatures. We refer to these creatures as animals (not to be confused with the muppet). Many animals are cute and cuddly. Especially baby animals. But many of these animal have deep, dark, hidden secrets about them. The reason they have secrets, is because the truths about them are terrifying. Just kidding, most of the secrets won't scare you. But a lot of these facts aren't common knowledge. And a lot of these secrets hold serious consequences for both the animal and those who discover them.

  • Chinchillas are closely related to Gremlins; they both cannot get wet. Chinchillas don't turn into monsters thought. Chinchillas fur is so dense that moisture gets trapped close to the skin. The causes a fungus growth that can cause an infection in their fur or skin. Not a good thing. 
  • Research has found that dinosaurs probably didn't roar. Well that sucks. But we all know that the dinosaurs closest living descendent, are birds. Birds don't roar either. Because vocal cords don't fossilize it is hard to determine which one of these is correct. However, due to their close relations to birds it is hypothesized that their vocal structure is more closely related to birds. Examining shapes of the neck and throat helps to determine how the vocal structure of a dinosaur was set up. Nothing found has determined that dinosaurs roar like their on-screen counterparts.
  • Jaws was not based on a true story. In fact, most sharks do not eat humans. Only 98 people were bitten by sharks last year, and only six were fatal. There are over 7.4 billion people on the planet. You have an infinitely small chance of being bit by a shark, and an even smaller chance for it to be fatal. On the plus side there is an average of 113 ladder related fatalities every year in the United States. Be careful when putting up those Christmas lights.
  • Homo sapiens kill around 437,000 other homo sapiens yearly.
  • The narwhal doesn't have a horn. It is just a tooth poking through its head. Also, only male narwhals have horns. Narwhals are also considered near-threatened. This is due to human activity disturbing them, combined with a low birthrate (one calf every three years).

Works referenced

Movies Referenced

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Actual un-fun facts

This post is just going to be bullet points of things that make people sad.

  • Around 40% of food production in the world goes to waste.
  • There is a whale that "speaks" at a frequency that no other whale can hear. It is all alone.
  • The smell of freshly cut grass is actually a distress signal. Grass is basically screaming as it dies.
  • The girl who voiced "Ducky" in the movie The Land Before Time, was killed by her father.
  • Small creatures (such as hamsters, guinea pigs, etc) will eat their own young if they are stressed.
  • The Mars Rover plays "Happy Birthday" for itself every year. While it is alone in space.
  • One in seven males will get prostate cancer.
  • One in eight females will get breast cancer.
  • Hedgehogs can get multiple sclerosis.
  • We learned about the stages of hypothermia from Nazi experiments.
  • Dogs like squeaky toys because it triggers their animal instinct of killing smaller prey.
  • The 67 richest people in the world have more money than the worlds poorest 3.5 billion combined.
  • Bears won't kill you before they eat you, they just will start eating you alive.
  • The Yellowstone National Park is a super volcano.
  • Woman in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive because it is said that driving damages their ovaries.
  • There are vials of the small pox disease unaccounted for.
  • Nursery rhymes are dark. In Jack and Jill, Jack fell down the hill and died. Then Jill dies afterwards. Ring Around the Rosie is about the Black Death.
I am sad too Michael Jordan. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

How affordable is solar power?

     Solar power as a whole is a great thing. Burning coal is one of the worst things for the environment. So the advent of solar and renewable energy as a whole has been a big plus. However, how affordable is it for the average person?
    Elon Musk is claiming that installing a solar roof onto ones house will likely cause less than a normal roof to install. In an interview with Business Insider,  Musk claims that it will likely cost less than a normal roof before factoring electricity costs. Musk has not yet disclosed how much this cost is. But he believes it will look nicer than a standard roof and last twice as long.
     This seems like a great thing. Cheap, clean energy for the household. What could be wrong with that? However, the first thing that is hard to tell is if Musk means it is cheaper to replace a roof on an existing house, or a newly built one. Another thing is how durable are the individual panels? Shingles hold up to some extreme weather conditions and can be replaced. Can solar shingles be replaced as easily and cheaply?
     According to a quick Google search, solar panels can easily cost upwards or $1,000. A mid-tier, mid-size solar system from Wholesale Solar costs around $10,000. Professional installation of a new roof can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $9,000. The cost discrepancy at this point shows that "dumb" roofs are initially cheaper.
     But you can make that cost up in energy generated! Well that may be true, many people cannot afford to replace their entire roof.  The initial cost is a huge limiting factor in the average American household. However, many companies offer to provide FREE solar panels. While they may not be as high tech as a solar roof, it is still clean energy. If a company pays for your solar panels and provides them to you for free, they will be receiving the energy received off of your house.
     The solar panels on your house are not yours. You will also not be able to receive free electricity from these "free" solar panels. That's right, the solar energy you generate is not your own. However, the company offering you the energy will sell you the energy generated at a discount. This discount is usually 10% less than the standard energy provider. While this is still a fantastic deal, it is not free. And it is certainly not any more affordable than a standard roof.  If you cannot afford your own solar roof, than the cost is no less than traditional energy.
     At the end of the day, if you can afford solar panels or a solar roof than it is cheaper than a traditional roof. However, for the traditional household, solar power is no more affordable than the standard. Solar power is expensive, and if you are not able to pay for the upfront cost, it won't save you any money in the long run.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Trump may not be the worst president ever...

     President-elect Trump is largely considered the "worst president" in the history of America. I believe that is an unfair assessment because he hasn't even been sworn into office yet. He has the potential to be the worst president ever, but currently he is not. Well, not yet anyways. But were the other presidents saints? Lets take a look back and see if any other presidents can give President-elect Trump a run for his money.

  • John Adams- President Adams passed both the Alien and the Sedition Acts. These acts told the American public that they were not allowed to say anything negative about the government at all. The president also could deport individuals at will based on their loyalties. Adams was a founding father of our country. Hell, he helped form the Constitution. He served under George Washington's politics! How could someone be so evil? He was only the second president! He was screwing civil liberties before the Constitution was even 10 years old!
  • Andrew Jackson- An old war hero. The embodiment of picking oneself up by their bootstraps. The Native American slaughterer. Passing the Indian Removal Act in 1830, he may be seen as one of the most malicious people ever. Causing the Trail of Tears and removing over 46,000 Native Americans from their homes is just one part of his resume. The Supreme Court ruled that this was unconstitutional. But that didn't stop him now, did it?
  • Abraham Lincoln- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Didn't he end slavery? You can't be serious. He shouldn't be on this list. Well he shouldn't be, but here he is. Lincoln attempted to pass a law that would suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus. This allowed Lincoln to just toss people into jail without a trial. Yup, the dude ending slavery also didn't want confederate sympathizers to have a fair trial. 
  • Teddy Roosevelt- Long story short, under Teddy Roosevelt the government created Panama so they could build the Panama Canal for cheap. Panama split off from Columbia and gained their independence? Happy ending right? Well for the Americans it was.  The French sold the Americans land rights to build the Panama Canal without actually consulting Columbia or Panama. Why is this so bad? The American government under Roosevelt ended up creating a civil war down in Central America. Whoops.
  • Harry Truman- Threatened to forcibly enlist railway strikers into the military if they didn't get back to work. So much for the right to assemble.
  • John F. Kennedy- Supported a plot to overthrow the Iraqi government that lead us to where we are today. Under JFK America supplied weapons and a list of known communists in Iraq. The instructions to the Iraqi "freedom fighters" after that were to remove the communists. Saddam Hussein was part of these "freedom fighters".
  • Ronald Reagan- To put it simply, was not a supporter of gay rights. And this took place during the AIDS epidemic. In the 21st century we would not tolerate his attitude towards the gay community.
The list of incredibly terrible things done under the presidents of the United States is far longer than what I have listed. In fact, it would have been significantly better if there wasn't nearly enough events to fill up a list. Never mind having to continue it with etcetera, etcetera... The presidents are people, they aren't perfect. However, I believe they should be good enough to not commit crimes against humanity. Will Trump be the worst president ever? Maybe. But he certainly won't be the first to commit horrific crimes against humanity in office.


Monday, October 31, 2016

Who You Gonna Call?

     Spoiler alert, three-story-tall walking marshmallow men do not come to life when they are possessed by ghosts. In the spirit of Halloween, I'd like to talk about issues that are overlooked, but not as serious as they have been.
     Myths and superstitions. These are half the fun of Halloween. Telling scary stories while eating candy high in sugar and low in nutritional value is probably the best part of Halloween. But most stories end with, "And then the monster came back to haunt you!" But why do most of these stories end this way? Where did the superstitions arrive, and are they true? I'm going to go full Myth-Busters and see if I can debunk some of these paranormal and spooky things.
     I can't definitively say that all of the ghost stories you have heard are true. I can't say that ghosts are real. But what I can say is that ghost hunters have lied to you. The truth of the matter is that most ghost hunting shows are probably staged. I'm not alone in thinking this. Click, here, here, and here for different accounts of why portions (if not entire episodes) of these shows might be staged. I hope, for the sake of haunting people in the afterlife, that ghosts are real. I really do hope that. But, TV is about entertainment. Could you imagine having a ghost hunting show without ever seeing a ghost over the course of 20 episodes? That would not be very entertaining. People like to believe and want to believe in ghosts, it makes life a little more exciting. However, there are many skeptics of these TV shows. So my first Un-funfact is, your ghost hunting shows are probably staged.
     Lets move on to the second one. Bloody Mary. The legend of Bloody Mary has been told throughout many middle school sleep overs. Say Bloody Mary into the mirror three times, and something happens I guess. I'd like to let you all know that I have survived this. So maybe Mary has a different taste in men, maybe she didn't want to kill me, maybe she's shy! But I never saw her. But maybe that's because I did it wrong. Maybe I called her "Bloody Merry", enunciation is key in situations like this. However, she probably didn't show up because the modern Bloody Mary is actually different than how the legend originated. The original Bloody Mary ritual was done solely by woman to find out who they were going to marry. The women would walk up the stairs, backwards, in a pitch black house while holding a mirror in their hand. While they were doing that they were supposed to be able to see who they were going to marry in the future. But there was chance that they would see a skull (or the face of the grim reaper), indicating that they were going to die before they married.
     This seems like a very plausible legend that came to life and it took off due to the psychological effects of staring at yourself in a mirror for to long. Your face becomes distorted, so while looking staring into the mirror for that long is bound to cause you to perceive your face as someone else. Couple that with the low light and intense gazing into the mirror looking for something, and you have the birth of a Halloween superstition.
     But the best thing that I can tell you is that your children will not be receiving drugs this Halloween. And more good news, no one is putting razor blades in their candy! The myths of children dying from their candy being tampered stems from true events, however, they are unrelated to Halloween. There hasn't been a substantiated claim of candy tampering since the '70s. But why have these myths spread? In most cases of candy tampering it happened either by the children themselves, or immediate family members. In 1970, a 5-year-old boy died from eating Halloween candy. But that wasn't true. In fact, the child had eaten heroin from his uncle's stash. The family tried covering it up by saying someone laced his candy with it. Many of the tampered candy cases come from shitty family members trying to avoid being charged with a crime, or make a financial gain off the child's death.
     So I guess it's a good thing that not all of these Halloween myths are true. It'll help me sleep easier at night.

Monday, October 24, 2016

'Tis the Season

     Knocking on your door should not be an annoying interruption to your everyday life. However, this time of year, it sends me running to hide.
     The political season should not be the scariest thing about October, Halloween should hold that title. So why is it that every four years it is necessary to barricade your doors in preparation for what is the biggest zombie attack?
     First off, being an educated an in informed voter is necessary. Voting for president is a constitutional right that should be used. Voting and having a say is probably the number one appeal of America. You can actively campaign for people you believe in, even if it is directly against those who are in power. In most places that would get you shot.
     But the constant campaigning, it is maddening. The truth of the matter is that most people identify themselves by their own political standing, and no amount of campaigning will change their stance. Political campaigning is not about trying to convert Democrats into Republicans (or vice versa), it is about rallying the troops. And the main goal of the troops is to convert the independent and undecided voters.
     The main way they do this is by being loud. Political rallies turn into tailgating parties full of cliques. And the motto of these types of rallies is, "If you're not with us, you're against us."
     This political season has been different for me. For the first time, I am a registered voter. I am also an independent. So I'm screwed. Phone calls come regularly and predictably so thank God for the answering machine. But the phone calls are not the worst part of it all. No, the worst part is the door-to-door salesmen trying to convince you of why their politician is best.
     Look, I get it, you think your person is so great that you just need to tell everyone who will listen. That's cool. But go do it in a park like the rest of the crazies. Don't stop by my house and ask me who I'm voting for.
     My parents don't even know who I'm voting for, why would I tell you? And let's not pretend like it's an innocent wellness check. You guys aren't here to make sure I'm registered to vote. No, we know damn well that you pulled my voter data from the databases. You guys are here to make sure I'm registered to vote for your candidate.
     The un-funfact in this post is this, every person who comes to my door makes me die inside. And I'm not alone in this thinking. The political season is rough on everyone who is an independent or undecided voter. If you're aligned with a party they count on your support. They give you the one phone call and your free complimentary yard sign.
     As an independent voter I'm barraged with at least five calls a day. And once it gets closer to election day, two visits a day to my home won't be unusual.
     These people are fanatics. They're obnoxious. And most times they're just downright rude. You don't get to come to my house to tell me who I should vote for. I will vote for whoever I want. If I was smart I would vote for whoever annoyed me the least over the political cycle.
     Another un-funfact is that our democracy isn't a direct democracy. We are based off of the model of a epublic as well as a democracy. Our delegates of our state usually vote along the lines of our popular vote. But my vote as an individual does not always hold the consequences it should in this sort of system.
     And to top off all of the un-funness, even if I elect your politician there's a 99% chance he (or she) will not accomplish a quarter of the tasks they set out to do.
     Thanks to our series of checks and balances a Republican president won't be able to on push a Republican agenda. They have to go through Congress. And those same fanatics who come to your door and ask you to vote for their candidate, fail to mention that many of their candidate's ideas will never make it off the ground. Why are these people so willing to put all their energy on the line for a president, when he is only half of the decision making process?
     No one campaigns like fanatics for your local senator or congressman because they don't want the notoriety. Thanks to a lack of term limits and being able to vote for your own pay raise, the incumbents will usually sit quietly out of campaigning. The incumbent usually wins these type of elections. That's because we have no clue what is actually going on.
     Politicians promise us big things. We have become so desensitized to their promises that we praise them for doing the little things for us. Politicians could promise everyone in the U.S. a new car. Except that new car would be a matchbox car. An overwhelming majority of the people would have positive attitudes for that. We expected nothing and ended up with something.
     Maybe being an independent makes me unpatriotic. After all, it is the "us against them" mantra that keeps this political system we have firing. Maybe I'm un-American. I should be grateful for this because in other countries you don't have a say.
     But I'm not content with this. The political season sucks. I want better. We deserve better. How can we change it though? I have no clue. I'm not a political analyst, I'm just a college student with not enough time or money to ponder these sorts of questions. But until it changes, what is supposed to be a defining feature of our country, will be un-fun for me.

The shining axe scene
A live look at the campaigners at your door

Monday, October 17, 2016

Doctors Without Borders Might Kill Someone

     Pneumonia accounts for 15% of all deaths of children under 5 years old. And don't worry, this blog post gets worse. The organization Doctors Without Borders just refused a million free pneumonia vaccines. The pharmaceutical company Pfizer offered up a million free vaccines as a donation to Doctors Without Borders as a show of humanitarianism. The decline of the offer comes as a shock to many. After all, a million of lives could be saved. But the organization is not going to budge when it comes to this issue.
  The reason Doctors Without Borders is so set in their decision is because they believe that the pharmaceutical companies are price gouging and making profits off of life saving drugs in third world countries. The price of the vaccination that Pfizer is offering Doctors Without Borders carries from country to country. When Doctors Without Borders was able to purchase it they were paying 60 euros a dose. 
     Last year poor countries like Tunisia and Morocco were paying $63.70 and $67.30 respectively. France on the other hand was paying $58.40. And to make matters worse, 3-4 doses are required for an effective treatment. Why are poorer countries paying more for a vaccine that would have more impact on their quality of life? Pfizer is a multi billion dollar company. The pneumonia vaccine alone makes them $6.245 billion in revenue. Money and profit is not a limiting factor to Pfizer and neither is production cost. They sold the vaccine to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization for only $9.15 for an entire treatment regiment. 
     Pfizer isn't the first company to put profits first though. Nestle is another company that has been in hot water over their "goodwill" missions. Nestle, in short, gave baby  formula to Africans in desperate need. The babies developed a dependence on this formula once their mothers were unable to produce milk. Then Nestle jacked up the price of formula to make a profit. Also in its quest to be humanitarian Nestle was quoted saying, "access to water is not a public right."
     Is Doctors without borders doing the right thing though? This protest is a costly decision to make. The protest potentially just allowed thousands of people to die. Is it worth it? Is setting a precedent going to make these vaccines become any cheaper? I think that Doctors Without Borders may have a point though.
     Price gouging and trying to profit off of life saving drugs does not only happen overseas, but it happens right here in our own back yard. The average cost of the pneumonia vaccine for the U.S. citizen is $136. Remember that 3-4 doses are needed for a successful treatment. Another situation that comes to mind is about EpiPens. The cost was $100 and as of late the cost is now more than $600. Six, hundred, dollars. For the only thing that can save some of these people. If the EpiPens are not available to these people, they will die. Period.
     Let's be real, this is bullshit. People need EpiPens to live. People need pneumonia vaccines to live. Why is the first goal of these companies to make a profit? Why isn't it to save people? These companies are lucky that there's no Hippocratic oath that they need to take when they first start their businesses. They would be banned for life if there was.
    So is Doctors Without Borders protest worth the danger that they present to all of these people who desperately need these vaccines? If the pharmaceutical companies decide to ignore their pleas, it will not have been worth it, and people will have died in vain. Only time will tell if this protest was successful or not.
Location of where Doctors Without Borders Operates 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Was Montreal right to enact a pit bull ban?

     Last week, Montreal put a law into effect stating that all pit bull (or pit bull looking dogs) in shelters were to be euthanized, and all others were to be spayed or neutered, and in a muzzle at all times. Wide spread euthanasia is not a solution in my mind. However, pit bulls have received a bad rap in recent years.
     In 2015 there were 34 dog bite related fatalities, and pit bulls accounted for 28 of them. That statistic alone is enough to make people feel uncomfortable around that breed of dog. But is it the dog's fault, or are these dogs status symbols for a world of violence?
     Pit bulls are a strong dog and seem to have a tendency towards aggression but they may not be the most violent dog. However, they are the dog that gets reported the most.
    Think of aggressive dogs you have met in your life. The dogs that I've met that tend to be most aggressive are the smaller breed of dogs such a chihuahuas, terriers, and miniature pinschers.
     It may be shocking to believe but most dogs have a bite pressure of around 200 PSI. This includes the smaller dogs like chihuahuas. A pit bulls' bite pressure is believed to be around 235 pounds per square inch. A pit bulls' bite is more devastating because of their large head size. A chihuahua is less devastating because it has a small head and a smaller mouth.  The problem with trying to measure bite strength this way is dogs have a mechanism that allows them to throttle their bite strength in normal situations so the readings are not always accurate. So while a pit bull on paper may have the strongest bite it is unknown which dog has the strongest when they are going all out.
     Was Montreal right to establish their pit bull ban? Probably not. The reason it is now indefinitely suspended was because the original law basically stated any dog with a big head would be treated as a pit bull. There are so many things wrong with that broadbrush approach that they took. While many mutts and other dogs may fall under the "bully" breed of dog (dogs with big heads, wide front stances, and a lot of other characteristics of pit bulls), they are not all the same. Pit bulls, bull terriers, mutts, they are all different dogs and should be treated as such. 
     In 2016 there have been around 43 incidents involving pit bulls reported in the Canadian news. While this information came from an anti pit bull website, many of the articles came from legitimate news organizations. 
     So is Canada facing a problem? Are pit bulls really predisposed to violence? I think that pit bulls are strong and intelligent dogs. A lot of people will buy pit bulls for guard dogs, or watch dogs, or any other sort of protection. Pit bulls are small enough to be kept in apartments and other small areas and in theory can provide a safety to their owners if need be. But because they are intelligent dogs they need to be trained and kept entertained.
     If you were to look at the list of "most aggressive" dogs, you would see that it is the more intelligent dogs who top the list. The collie breeds and other types of herding dogs always seem to make up the majority of the list. 
     These dogs are highly intelligent and need to be trained to prevent them from falling back on their instincts. When things get out of line, these dogs will bite to reinstate order again. These dogs like to be in control and be the leader of the pack. When these dogs are not trained, their owners are not seen as the leader, therefore, they will bite to keeps others in line.
     These dogs generally have some of the strongest bites and are the most likely to follow their nature of herding. Many of these dogs are purebred and can trace generations down from many of their ancestors who were used not only for companionship, but also for herding.
     I find it hard to blame the dogs in this situation. Irresponsibility of the owners who think that owning a dog will be all fun and games have another thing coming. They are a lot of work. A lot of training is necessary to prevent good dogs from going bad. 
     While I see why the law was put into effect, I do not agree with it. Dogs are not predisposed to violence. Dogs are ancestors of a wild animal and act solely on animal instinct. They don't know any better. Euthanizing all the dogs that scare us will not make the world a safer place. But it will be a sadder one.

Me and my very "aggressive" herding dog, Willow.